Hi guys.
Welcome back to JohnNorum.net. I’ve changed a bit during latest weeks. The new theme is more modern than previous one and is very readable.
It’s an honour being still active after all these past years with you all and sometime, for me, it’s still unbelievable. Almost 17 years!
I remember that day, during the summer in 2000, when i decided starting work on the first release of this website. At that time there was just the official John’s site and the one about Europe. Getting more infos about John was very difficult and a lot of surfing on the net was necessary. Internet was at its beginning here, registering a domain was diffcult and not so cheap as now. The passion about John’s music convinced me to enter this new whole adventure. It took a lot of time to be completed but the day the site went online…wow! A mixture of happiness, fear and a couple more of emotions. Johnnorum.net has been for sometime the unique alternative to the official site and when the official website was ceased it became THE only source on everything about John’s career.
The official site has been – fortunately – re-established and it’s updated regularly (thanks Fra).
The unofficial site, this one, has changed during the years but it’s still on.
Today i’m 17 years older, i have a family and i’ve got two children, but the passion for John and his music is still burning hard.
I sincerely hope to have some more happy years with you all and being your daily (mmm…maybe weekly) source on everything about John.
Thanks for all these years and those to come.